On Friday 5th of October 2018, OPSYRIS hosted their annual UK meeting in the historic and scenic University of Glasgow.
Thankfully, many of the speakers shared their presentations online which can be found on the Shared Google Drive for the Glasgow 2018 OPSYRIS Meeting .
The conference programme can be found here: OPSYRIS_2018_Programme_Glasgow
There were a wide range of topics presented. These included depression treatment, post stroke anxiety, using home based tools for assessment and setting up a specialist stroke psychology clinic.
Speakers came from every corner of the country including those from the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, East Anglia, Manchester, Cardiff, Birmingham, Nottingham and several from the host city.
Among those presenting were keynote speaker Dr. Shirley Thomas from the University of Nottingham discussing the BEADS trial looking at behavioural activation for post-stroke depression. The rising star award this year was won by Dr. Yvonne Chun at the University of Edinburgh who has contributed valuable work on anxiety after stroke.
A welcome addition was a “how to” section with experts giving advice on getting published, gaining grant funding and combining research with a clinical post. To this end invited speaker Dr Alan Carson, Associate Editor of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry presented on getting published.
“How to…” sessions provided valuable information for researchers and practitioners including getting funding, setting up a clinic and combining research and clinical work.
The meeting was praised for creating a friendly and open environment for presenting work, asking questions, discussions and networking that participants found enjoyable, inspiring, informative and applicable to their practice and research.